Last 20 Miler

by Beth on October 11, 2011

I finished the second twenty miler on Thursday, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I’m happy with the run itself and I’m happy to be done with it. I ran with my training partner, Deb, who is also doing MCM. Here is a picture after we were done. As you can see, it was a beautiful day and we were still smiling. My goal for the run was to keep a 10:20 pace and to feel good at the end. I averaged 10:19 and felt like I could have picked up the pace for another 6 miles. Doing that on race day would be perfect, putting me across the finish line in under 4:30. Who knows what will happen on race day, but I’m happy with my training and think I put myself in the position to have a good race.

My running friends know that I’m a little quirky when it comes to my long runs. A lot of it comes from years of running only by myself, therefore always doing things “my way.” The thing I hate most on long runs is having to stop all of the time. I’m intellectually opposed to it because, on race day, I don’t stand around and gab every two miles while I get a drink. If I’m not stopping on race day, then I don’t want to stop during training. I’m also “physically opposed” to it because I tighten up very quickly. Once I stop and stand around for a few minutes, my legs just don’t want to work anymore. If I stop every two miles during a 20 mile run, that’s 10 stops. By the end, I can hardly bend over anymore. I do much better mentally and physically if I just keep moving.

This is my long explanation of why there is a table in the background of the photo. I thought it would be a great idea to set up my own water stop. There is a 2 mile loop around my house, so a fully stocked water stop at the end of the driveway would supply everything needed for a 20 mile run with absolutely no stopping. In my mind, perfection. Yes, I filled up the cups ahead of time and threw the empties in the yard. GU packets, too. Mike says that having my own water stop puts me officially in the “nut” category, but I’m okay with that. Luckily, Deb has a good sense of humor and puts up with my eccentricities. She was also a good sport about running the same loop over and over again. Being a boring former accountant, the repetitiveness of it didn’t bother me at all, but I’m sure running the same 2 mile loop 10 times doesn’t sound like a lot of fun to most people.

After long runs, I’ve been wearing Skins Recovery Tights. While I can’t vouch for whether they actually help speed recovery, they do make my legs feel a whole lot better after a long run. After runs over 15 miles, my legs throb and ache enough that it can be hard to sleep. With the tights, I don’t get that throbbing sensation and they don’t feel sore. I’ve been wearing them the rest of the day after my run and then sleeping in them that night, and by the next day my legs feel fine. On Saturday my legs felt fine during my run.

This morning, I ran my long run for this week since I can’t fit it in at the end of the week. The 12 mile run was my last long run. Next week is only 8 miles and then it will be time for the race. It’s still very warm here so I’m getting mentally prepared for warm weather on race day. I don’t know what will happen on race day, but the training cycle has gone well and I’m feeling healthier than I ever have before a marathon. I’m very happy with the Hal Higdon training plan that I have been using. Only 18 more days!


Bill October 11, 2011 at 7:17 pm

I think I have to agree with Mike. The personal waterstop is a little nutty. But it is nutty in a way that I can understand.

Good Luck at MCM. I would love to do that one someday and can’t wait to hear what you have to say on the race.

Beth October 11, 2011 at 8:09 pm

GOOD LUCK!!! I will be thinking of you on race day :)

Black Knight October 12, 2011 at 7:53 am

You are ready, the 20 milers are the hardest part of the marathon training and you did it. About the stop: during the longest workouts I do 2 or 3 breaks at the fountains; for the marathon I have my strategy: the first at the 15° km and, after, 1 stop every 5 km to drink as fast as (no more than 15″) I can a glass of water. I tried this strategy again last sunday during the 30k of Ostia and it worked.
Good luck.

Chris October 13, 2011 at 6:18 am

I guess you own personal water stop is no different than me placing water bottles in hidden places along a route the night before. Only to find out the next day they are not as hidden as I thought.

Sounds like your on pace to have a great race! Enjoy every step!

Jean October 13, 2011 at 6:42 pm

I love it that you set up you own water stop! That is so cool! :)

Great job on your 20 miler. You are clearly ready for MCM. Enjoy your taper, and all the best!

BrianFlash October 14, 2011 at 11:00 am

Nice job on the long run!

When training for Comrades I set up my own aid station in Forest Park. Jason and I used it, but no one else touched a thing. I think that was during a twentish mile run – four loops around the park. I can’t bear the idea of doing ten repeating loops!

meg ling October 16, 2011 at 5:04 pm

Your tights reminded me to put on my compression socks, thanks for that.
OK, your little water stop table cracks me up. What a nice idea. Did you have some fun people dressed in hula skirts passing out your liquids? I think the mental part of doing the loops would kill be but I do think that it’s probably great for pacing. Nice work, I bet you’re counting the days. I hope the weather is perfect for you!

Suzy October 17, 2011 at 10:37 am

You are ready!!! MCM will be here before you know it. Enjoy your taper and never question your training.

Thanks for all the kind words on my marathon posts!

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