Top 10 Reasons to Embrace Heart Rate Training

by Beth on December 20, 2011

10.  Having to wear more clothes to stay warm means each article of clothing gets worn more often. Cost of item ÷ number of times worn = cost per wearing. In my accountant mind, that means my clothes are cheaper and I’m saving money, which means I can buy more clothes.

9.  More time on runs to ponder accountant humor (see above).

8.  Not being out of breath allows for more chit chatting with running friends.

7.  The dog and I are now perfectly matched running partners. He wants to constantly stop to pee and I want to constantly stop to keep my heart rate down.

6.  Since I’ve had to run a 12 minute mile, now my 11 minute miles seem positively speedy.

5.  When other people pass me, I’m helping their self-esteem.

4.  When I bump into friends on the trail that are walking, I can actually converse with them for a bit since we are going the same speed instead of zooming past with just a wave.

3.  Less wind burn on my cheeks because I’m not going so fast as to create wind chill.

2.  I have more energy during the rest of the day and am accomplishing more around the house.


I’m loving heart rate training and feel like I’ve made a lot of progress over the last 6 weeks. Marathon training continues with just over 4 more weeks until the Maui Oceanfront Marathon!


Linda December 21, 2011 at 7:13 am

OK – I saw the title and had to kick myself . . . my battery for my heart rate monitor is currently taped to my wallet so that I remember to buy one at the store. First I took the battery out and set it on the counter. It sat there for about 2 weeks. When that didn’t work – about a week ago I taped it to my wallet, in hopes it would remind me to get a new battery. Maybe next I should tape it to my forehead!

I need to get a battery!
Good job on the training.

Black Knight December 21, 2011 at 8:18 am

#5 and # 7 are too fun!
I would like to have a dog to run with but we have too many cats at home (3) and in the garden (4).
Happy Christmas.

BrianFlash December 21, 2011 at 10:42 am

Since you wear the clothes more frequently wouldn’t they wear out faster? The way I look at it, each item is good for a number of cycles (wear, wash, fold) so it has to be cost divided by expected life.

Of course, this is why I ignore the trends and am still wearing my Austin Marathon (my first marathon) finisher’s shirt during runs. It hasn’t worn out yet.

Wendy December 22, 2011 at 1:46 pm

Maui Oceanfront Marathon! Sounds amazing!

Londell December 26, 2011 at 5:22 pm

I believe without my HR monitor I would be dead. At Afton in 2008, it was 100 degrees and I felt fine, although my HR was over 160. I took ice and fluids and walked about a mile ice on my head and rubbed it on my arms and the HR went down. I believe that I was overheating but felt fine. Without the HR monitor, I would not have known. So I see it as a lifesaver…

Good luck in all your continued successes and thanks for sharing.

Marcia December 27, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Haha! I love this list!
Glad heart rate training is working for you…and your dog!
Very belated congrats on MCM! Forgive me for being so slow to read your report.

megling December 27, 2011 at 9:07 pm

This was a wonderful post!! I especially love you helping others’ self esteem, that made me laugh! I’m also happy that your cheeks and skin are staying pretty and pink and not chaffed, that’s a huge plus in my book!
WOW, Maui?! That sounds like more fun than running with whales but I guess it’s all relative! We are all blessed and I can’t wait to hear more about your 2012 adventures, this is going to be your year :) !
xo Happy New Year!

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