In a Groove

by Beth on May 14, 2011

This week is not only the week before the Fargo half marathon, but it is also week 10 of my 20 week training cycle for the Chisago Half Iron. The weeks are flying by! I’m using a training plan that I purchased from Training Peaks and I’m very happy with it. It came in several different levels of intensity and I chose level 3, which was for athletes with a good base of fitness and some triathlon experience. Each week I print off the workouts and do them in whatever order works. Usually, I run and swim on the same day and then bike and lift on the next. Each week has a scheduled day off, so if I miss a workout I have a make-up day. The level of difficulty isn’t overwhelming and I feel like it’s getting me ready.

I’ve been surprised by how much progress I’m making. For the run workouts, I do the miles that I need for my road races which is more than what is called for in the training plan. I was concerned that doing heavier run workouts would make my legs tired for the bike workouts on the schedule, but so far I feel fine. Between spending time on the trainer and switching to a new bike, I can see that I’m faster than I was last year. My run times don’t seem any slower as a result of adding more biking. The long bike ride for this upcoming week is 2 hrs 45 min, so the bike workouts are plenty long. I’m having to decide between getting the tougher tri workouts in for this week or letting my legs rest up for the half marathon. I’m leaning towards doing the longer tri workouts and just taking the day off before the race. Chisago is my “A” race and I already have a half marathon time that I’m happy with for the season.

Biggest shocker of triathlon training so far? My swim times are getting faster. I had assumed I would swim the same speed but gain the endurance needed for the 1.2 mile swim. Not only am I swimming longer, but I’ve cut 5 seconds off my 50 yard pace. I’m still a middle of the pack swimmer, but it feels great to see some improvement on the clock. It’s been unseasonably cold here so I have no plans to get in the open water in the next couple of weeks. Swimming in open water is a lot different than swimming in the pool, so I don’t know that the improvement will translate to race day. Still, getting a little faster makes me feel like the workouts are doing what they are supposed to do.

Today I got to ride with some friends. Amy organized a preview of the bike course for the Liberty Oly which is only 4 weeks away. It was cold and started to rain, but it felt great to get familiar with the course and see friendly faces. Natalie and Beth were also there and I met some new people, too. Here is a picture of part of the group after the ride. I was proud of us for getting out there on such a nasty day!

Here is a picture of me with Amy and Natalie. Both of these ladies are amazing both on and off the race course. They encourage and inspire everyone they meet and always have a smile to share.

You know who else has been continuing to train with me? Scout! Yes, my beagle friend is still just running two or three miles at a time, but he is enthusiastic. This past week I had planned to run 10 miles, stopping by the house to pick him up for the last three. When I came in the door after seven, I was thinking I would cut it short for the day and be done. Scout would have none of it! He was waiting for me and practically put the leash on himself. How could I say no? We compromised and ran two miles for a total of nine. We both were satisfied with that. If the weather would just cooperate and warm up the lakes then I could say that triathlon training is superb. As it is, I’m feeling like I’m in a good groove and that I’m on track for the half marathon, Oly triathlon and Half Iron. This time next week I’ll be working on my Fargo race report. This is my fourth time going to Fargo for a race and I’m looking forward to it!


Anne May 15, 2011 at 5:43 am

It sounds like your training is going great! I can’t wait to have a long injury-free training stretch :)

Marcia May 15, 2011 at 8:45 am

Beth youre rocking your training! Wow! This crappy cold weather is unbelievable.

Tina@gottarunnow May 15, 2011 at 1:06 pm

Your training has gone so well – you’ll run a great race!

AM-GoalsfortheWeek! May 15, 2011 at 4:21 pm

You’re in a great spot in your training. fun, fun, fun.

and what’s most fun is your swim is improving! That’s great and really hard to do so embrace that one baby!

Chris May 16, 2011 at 5:31 am

Looks like this week will bring some consistency to our weather and before long we will be complaining about the lack of rain.

Sounds like your training is going well and your focused in on your goal. That is awesome to hear. It seems like everyone I know is off to Fargo this year – I might have to put that on my schedule one of these years.

For me I have to wait 2 weeks to Stillwater and endure the dreaded taper. Best of luck this weekend – I’ll be looking forward to your report.

Take Care -

Linda May 16, 2011 at 5:46 pm

WOW – reading your post is really motivational. I am wishy washy on sticking with a training plan. I have a duathlon planned in June and need to try to combine running – biking and running again. I realize that is a far cry from swimming, biking and running – but I have never tried a duathlon before.
I think I have been saying this for the past two months – but I am so ready for warmer temp’s. Last weekend was the first weekend in 4 that I didn’t bike. Hopefully I will be able to make it up, later this week.

Black Knight May 18, 2011 at 11:07 am

A lot of congrats to Mr. Scout! If you feel good, if your training goes well and if you are in shape (as you are now) don’t think twice: enter all the events.
I am sure you will run a great race.

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